In the Beginning...

I've been thinking a lot about SoNoWriMo lately, so I haven't done a ton of writing, just plotting. But I have a couple first lines/pages I would like to share:

~"That was murder."
"Yes, I know."
"I am not squeamish with that sort of thing, but answer me this: Why?"
"I had no choice."
"There is always a choice. Tell me, why is Allen H. Ques dead?"
"Knife in the heart does taht. It isn't good for the health."
"You are very amusing. Answer the question."
"He was getting too close."
"Then you should have brought him to me."
"It was nothing I couldn't handle."
"People notice when a man ends up dead. Especially our friend Mr. Ques. We cannot afford to be noticed, especially now."
"They're not gonna' trace it back to us."~

~I spend so much time locked in prison cells, you would think I was a criminal. I'm not -- I just have a boss with a twisted sense of humor.~

~Having never been given a name, I cannot introduce myself to you. We shall have to simply skip introudctions and move right on to the part where I tell you I did not deserve to be shot.~

~The skies were on fire the day Dianne Jones was born. You would think that would have been warning enough.~

~"Do you have the courage to enter the storm?"
"I have courage enough to do what must be done."~

~There is no headstone on my grave. I know why they left it unmarked, but it was quite a nuisance. I arrived on the other side without a nametag.~

Ok, that's all. I'll post updates about SoNo -- I'm excited!

Too impatient to finish anyt
♥The Hot Girl in the Comic Shop♥
In the beginning, there was nothing -- then God said: "Let there be light." and there was still nothing, but now you could see it!

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