Cucumbers Taste Pink

I hope none of you actually believed me when I said I would post every day. If you did, then maybe these past few weeks where I have posted nothing will have properly killed off all faith you have in me.
"Apologies" aside, I guess I could actually tell you what I have been up to lately.

Stay off the streets -- I am now a legal driver (so long as I have a licensed adult in the seat beside me)!
I still LOVE driving! I can't get enough of it. My uncle let me drive him around town last week -- he even let me go through the drive-thru (something neither of my parents have been brave enough to do.)

School's been going okay. My mum set up a reward system -- I have a sticker chart and everything!!!
In Psychology, we are talking about memory and why we remember certain things. It's really interesting. More and more, I am considering majoring in psychology. I think it would be more useful to my writing than majoring in writing.
This song is a nice shade of yellow. Actually, I have no idea what color this song is, but I would if I had synesthesia. Synesthesia is the coolest thing ever! If you'd like to know more, check out this link:
I am SUCH a geek! I was reading about synesthesia in Neurodevelopmental Disorders today -- and not only did I understand it, I really enjoyed it. I'll probably read the whole book, not just the part I have to read for English. It actually made me feel better about myself (in a "Proud to be a Nerd" sort of way.) Here I was thinking I was stupid, now I know I'm just lazy! ☺

As for writing... I am working on a novel. I'm excited about it, but my inner critic won't shut up long enough to let me WRITE. I have really cool character, but no real plot. Plots are over-rated, right?
My friend Brok keeps pestering me to work on Reggie -- and REGGIE keeps pestering me to work on Reggie. So I guess that is what I am working on tomorrow. Which is okay by me -- I love Reggie! ♥

So, a couple of weeks ago, I swallowed my pride and my sarcastic comments and went with Canada to Tummy Yummy's. I still stand by my statement that it's a dumb name for a college student hang out, but I must say that it is my new favorite place! I have been craving their frozen yogurt all day! Not to mention the whole aura about the place. It's just over-all awesome ☺

Okay, I guess that's it. Mostly, I meant to go to bed at nine and now it's eleven. Fail.
Ill post some writing tomorrow (but don't hold it against me if I fail to do so.)

Check out Bri Lexen's page on!!!

♥The Hot Girl in the Comic Shop♥
P. S. Brandon Mull's Fablehaven 5 comes out tomorrow at midnight (or Wednesday morning at midnight)!!!!! I AM SOOO EXCITED!!!!
Warren ♥ Vanessa

3 Brilliant Ideas:

K'neth S. said...

wow, i liked that whole youtube video on syethesia. that was really cool. it kind of makes me want to have it so that i can taste color and smell music. HEHE. You have to tell us more about your book, i love your writing. Love the pineapple, like a son!

The Hot Girl in the Comic Shop said...

I kind of wish I had synesthesia, too!!

Candice said...

How did I not know you had a blog???? Love ya! Aunt Candi


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